Saturday, April 26, 2014


I'm in this weird place right now. I can choose between taking medicine or not taking medicine. It's really that simple. But it isn't. 

This Humira is working to suppress my Crohns symptoms but it is also causing some pretty rough side effects that has made my quality of life a lot worse. Let's say, my Crohn's pain is at a 1 (0 being no pain and 10 being excruciating pain) but my quality of life is also at a 1 (0 being a bump on a log and 10 being "I feel like I could walk to Australia").  Instead of having Crohn's pain, I have headaches, brain fog and crazy joint pain. It's pretty much unbearable. 

Before I was on a biologic (Cimzia, Remicade and Humira), my Crohn's pain was at a 5 and my quality of life was also a 5. I like those numbers better. In my gut, I feel like I can manage the Crohn's pain holistically which would increase my quality of life BUT (oh, I hate those buts) I would eventually have to move. 

I've done the research and medical marijuana seems like my best bet. Not just medical marijuana but a healthy plant based diet and regular exercise. Here is the major problem... Medical marijuana isn't legal in Georgia and I'm not about that thug life. So, for now, I am going through the withdrawals from Humira, Lortab and Prednisone. These withdrawals can last for a while, so I'm nervous. The Prednisone and Lortab might take about a month to get out of my system but the Humira might take a year to fully get out of my system. Le sigh. 

What to do? What to do? Well, I won't be  using medical marijuana (until I move to a state where it is legal or it is legalized in Georgia) but once some of this medicine is out of my system I will be attempting to become a plant based pescatarian again and working out. Oh, and I'll be praying- a lot of praying. 

See, here is the problem... I can't eat a lot of different foods (such as fruits, veggies, fried foods, spicy foods, dairy, fatty meats, etc.) without causing inflammation- Crohn's pain.  How can I get healthy enough to move to a place where I can get medicine that doesn't cause huge side effects? 

This next year of my life is very crucial. I have to eliminate as much stress as I can, lose as much weight as I can, eat as healthy as I can, workout as much as I can and get as healthy as I can. 

This month will be very difficult for me as well because I'll be going through withdrawal. Ehhh. I hope it's quick and painless. I can dream, right? 

Oh y'all, I have some decisions to make and they aren't easy. It requires me to do a lot of hard, painful and lonely tasks. 

Pray for me! 



P.S. I'm trying my best to get healthy so I don't have to rely on marijuana or Humira. I just want to have my own classroom, have a Girl Scout troop and be involved in missions. Is that too much to ask for? 

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