Sunday, January 5, 2014

So, I'm going to do a Juice Fast!

I start my juice fast next week.  I’m nervous.  The last time that I tried this I failed- miserably.  I purchased the right juicer, tons of Tupperware, mason jars with the correct lids and a variety of fruits and veggies THEN my roomies wanted to get pizza and I was done.  I lasted about two hours, maybe three. Le sigh. Epic fail.

Why a juice fast?

Well, we’ve been juicing in my house for years.  At one time the juicer was stationed on the counter right next to the deep fryer.  See the problem?  My family loves healthy food but we also love food that isn’t so good for us.  We don’t discriminate around here!  But when I got really sick in 2011 I wanted to try juice fasting to see if my Crohn’s could go into remission that way.  Well, my mommy purchased the ingredients and my daddy would juice them and clean the juicer.  What was my job? Well, my job was to make it out of the bed, travel all the way down the stairs, sit at the counter and drink.  I couldn’t do it.  The juice burned my intestines something serious.  So after a few days of adding juice to my diet, I quit. 

That same summer I watched a documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and I was AMAZED [and to be honest, slightly jealous].  I knew that I couldn’t do a juice fast at that moment because I couldn’t even add juice to my diet without my body rejecting it but I kept that as a goal.  So, doing a juice fast for 60 days has been a goal of mine since 2011.  I really want to succeed with that. 

Since 2011, I’ve been adding green smoothies and juices to my diet on my own [without my parents overseeing it] but I still eat what I want to [well, kind of- I eat what I want to eat out of the foods that I can eat.]  And with everyone writing down how awesome their 2013 was, I realized that I spent most of mine in the bed- sick.  I cannot afford for another year to just pass me by.  So, I’m going to try to take my health into my own hands and do this holistically.  I’ll be going to acupuncture [please Saints, save it!], drinking herbal tea, working out, trying herbal remedies and adding a lot of fruits and veggies back to my diet.

Even though my Crohn’s isn’t technically in remission, my body can tolerate juicing a lot better and with the support of my family, I should be able to knock my first juice fast out!  Yay Brie!  I’m unsure of how long I will juice fast this time but I at least want to do three days and eventually build up to the 60 day juice fast.  

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