Friday, January 24, 2014


This won't be a long post because I need to have some time with my Daddy but I have spiritually been going through it this past week. 

Like, the desire to please God is there but the flesh is so weak.  I've been slacking with my morning routine.  I'll grab my phone first, I'll wait until I have been awake for a few hours to have my first quiet time, I'm not in constant communication with God [[I'll expand on this at a later date]], I'm not paying attention to the nudges that the Holy Spirit has been giving me but today I fell.  I fell flat on my face.  I gave into sin.  LE SIGH.  Heck, last night I fell flat on my face.  So today, I've decided to not dwell on the fact that I'm an imperfect human but to focus on the fact that I have a perfect Savior.  So for the rest of today until tomorrow evening, I won't be interacting with people.  SAY WHAT???  Yeah, I'm not interacting with them.  Why? Because I'm weak right now and I need to fall on my face to my King.  I need to be in His presence and I don't need anymore distractions.  

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