Thursday, May 15, 2014


but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, (1 Peter 3:15 ESV)

I'm super excited y'all. I'll be a Vacation Bible School, henceforth VBS, teacher for 7th/8th grade girls this summer at my home church. I really prayed over this and got my sisters in Christ to pray over it as well. See, I didn't want to overcommit to anything and get sick and not be able to teach. But after praying over it, I feel at peace about. And I'm actually excited about it.  

The verse up top is the focus verse for the week and it's all about the child version of apologetics. Yay! Which kind of means that I need to brush up on why I believe what I believe! 

The topics for the week are as follows: 
Day 1: Is Jesus really God's son? 
Day 2: Was Jesus more than just a good man? 
Day 3: Was Jesus' death real? 
Day 4: Is Jesus alive? 
Day 5: What do I do with the evidence about Jesus?  

For the next few weeks I will be mediating over the verse 1 Peter 3:15. I really want to be exactly where God wants me to be before I go to VBS. I remember being that middle school girl in the students ministry at FBA. I remember the huge impact that my Sunday school teachers had on me. I want God's light to shine through me. I want God to use me for His glory. I want these girls to leave VBS ready to tell the world about Jesus. 

So, my challenge to myself is that I'll memorize this verse, research why I believe what I believe and fast from carbs until the first day of VBS. 

Pray for me! 

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