Sunday, March 30, 2014


I have accomplished absolutely nothing today. I woke up without spoons. All I've done today was eat breakfast and watch Netflix in bed. I tried to sit on the couch and watch television but I was too tired to sit there. Le sigh. 

I just have no energy today. I wanted to go to church but that didn't work out either. I didn't wake up. I guess that doesn't matter because I didn't have the energy to get ready or drive there. 

So yeah, now I'm at home. Chilling. Watching Netflix. Well, Netflix is watching me. 

I want to go to the gym tomorrow and do the 9:00 am Aquafit (waterobics) class but I have an appointment with my Pain Specialist at 8:30 am. 

I'm a little excited about my doctors appointment because I'm out of medication right now. I scheduled the appointment five days later than what my prescription would last. -_-

It's whatever now. 

On the bright side, I've been cleaning up my room and it's really coming along. :) That might not seem like much to y'all but anything that requires energy takes a lot out of me. 

I should be done with my room this week and also, I can turn in the first round of my overdue schoolwork this week as well. :D 

Also, I've been doing the 90 Day a Bible Challenge with Bear and Jaleesa and it's quite interesting. I'm in Job right now and it's opening my eyes a lot about struggle. A lot of times when hardship comes our way, we wonder why or what did we do? And sometimes it is just a piece of God's holy and perfect plan. 

I'm going to blog more about that later (when I have the energy). 

Love y'all much! 

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